Ad Space

Playbill Advertisement Costs

Placement - Cost:

Inside Cover/Back - $300
Half Page - $150
Quarter Page - $75
Business Card - $50
Patron - $25


  • All ads must be 300 dpi JPEG or PDF ready .
  • Design Fee. $35.00 per ad. If all ads are not copy ready upon submission and we must design and or adjust your ad.
  • You are welcome to create and submit your own ad.
  • All photographs and graphics will become domain of CBTC and not shared without signed written consent by the advertiser.
  • The size of the ad includes artwork.
  • Please adhere to dimensions listed and use high resolution in your design for optimal printing results.
  • Submit your files in .tif or .jpg format If your ad has to be redesigned or adjusted, design fees above apply
  • Errors in copy are not the responsibility of CBTC
